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Phase 2: Navigating the Neutral Zone

Updated: Feb 6, 2020

In my last newsletter, we talked about the first phase of transition – letting go. If you missed the newsletter you can see it here. Once you have come to grips with the letting go process – what’s next? Enter phase two of the transition process – the neutral zone. The neutral zone is when you feel unsure about any number of things including:

  • What should I do now?

  • How does this impact my identity, including my roles and responsibilities?

  • Will I be okay (financially, physically, emotionally, etc.)?


There is a lot of uncertainty in the neutral zone and often a search for answers to these and other questions. Not to worry, this is a normal process in any transition. Think about the last time you experienced a change or transition – did you experience any or all of the above? Have you ever been indecisive, worried about finances or felt unsure about an important decision or transaction? If so, then you were experiencing the neutral zone. Looking back on some of my transitions, I can recognize the times that I was in the neutral zone.

When you recognize that you are in the neutral zone, there are some things you can do that will help you work through this awkward stage.

  • Acknowledge the fact what you are experiencing is a normal process. Feeling anxious or confused is also normal. My life coach really helped here and helped me realize that I was not alone in feeling this way – what a relief that was for me. You too are not alone.

  • Redefine the neutral zone. Look at the neutral zone as a time to get creative about your future, dream big, and visualize your future or ideal situation. Use the time to imagine doing something new and different.

  • Write down your questions and all the things that are keeping you up at night about your transition. Prioritize the questions/concerns in terms of what is most important to you and/or if answered, would eliminate a lot of anxiety.

  • Communicate with others. Being in the neutral zone can feel isolating and lonely. Reach out to friends, family, trusted advisors and, if necessary, enlist the help of a life coach. My life coach (thank you, Linda) was instrumental in helping me look at things differently and question my feelings, thoughts, and fears.

Filling the 'Fertile Void'

Transitions can be broken down, according to Dr. Bridges, into three phases:

  1. Ending, Losing or Letting Go

  2. The Neutral Zone and

  3. The New Beginning

The Neutral Zone is the 2nd of 3 phases.

In Fifty is the New Fifty: Ten Life Lessons for Women in Second Adulthood, Suzanne Braun Levine, refers to this phase of change as the “fertile void.” In thinking about the neutral zone, it is a fertile ground for creativity/dreaming and an opportunity to redefine your future. At the same time, The Neutral Zone feels like a void; an isolating sometimes fearful stage where uncertainty lies. The steps above will help you navigate the neutral zone as well as take the opportunity to use this phase in your transition in a positive way to impact your future.

Don’t let The Neutral Zone stall the transition plan for your business. Acknowledge, redefine, write and communicate.

You have the opportunity to face the fertile void head on, but will you?

Want to learn more about navigating change in your business? Connect with me for a free initial consultation and how I can help.


Stay Tuned!

Next time, we will address the third and final phase of change; what Dr. Bridges refers to as The New Beginning. In the meantime, let me know how I can help with Phase one - endings, losing, and letting go - or Phase 2 - The Neutral Zone.

Please visit my updated website for more information, email me at, or give me a call at 970.389.4802. I welcome your feedback and questions! Have a great week! -Sheryl

ETS Compass is my personal newsletter that goes into a bit about my journey of leaving a 30-year career in public accounting. If you would like to read my prior newsletter(s), visit my blog page for this and prior issues. Thank you for reading my newsletter. My goal is to provide useful and purposeful information to you whether you are years away from transitioning from your business, or are planning to transition in the not-too-distant future.

Author: Sheryl Brake

Sheryl is the CEO and Founder of Encompass Transition Solutions, LLC and former partner of a top 25 national accounting firm. She has been working with business owners in a wide variety of capacities for more than 30 years. Sheryl lives in her home state of Colorado with her husband, Michael.

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